because vegetables are at the root of ideal health + wellness.

We all know that it’s important to include more vegetables in our diets for optimal health. But sometimes eating more veggies is easier said than done. I’ve been there. I know what it’s like to be overwhelmed in the kitchen and at the grocery store deciding what to eat and how I was possibly going to eat enough vegetables. Five servings of vegetables daily is a great goal to work toward. And if your diet currently lacks veggies, this can seem like quite the challenge. So start slow. Start by adding just one vegetable in daily, until you’ve reached five.

Here are 4 of my favorite ways to add more veggies into your diet:

 [1] incorporate vegetables into your first meal of the day.

Starting your day with veggies is a great way to work toward your goal of 5 serving of vegetables daily. A serving of veggies is typically about 1 cup. So grab 2 big handfuls of greens [spinach and kale are my fave] and add them to your morning smoothie. Now you’ve got 2 servings of veggies in already! Or try scrambling some eggs and add greens, bell pepper, onion, garlic, or any other veggies that you like. Just remember that about 1 cup is a serving so make sure to add plenty of those veggies. Have you ever tried overnight oats for breakfast? If not, they are worth a try! My Super Green Overnight Oats recipe even incorporates spinach! And who said breakfast has to include breakfast food? Choose some of your dinner leftover for breakfast if that sounds good to you [and if it includes veggies, of course].


[2] choose veggies for snacking.

Many people struggle with healthy snacking because they either choose the wrong foods to snack on, or they forget to snack between meals when they’re hungry. Check out my Simple + Healthy Whole Food Snacks nutrition guide for some ideas. Some of my favorite veggie based snacks include:

  • raw veggies [broccoli, cauliflower, carrots, snap peas, bell pepper] + guac
  • raw veggies [broccoli, cauliflower, carrots, snap peas, bell pepper] + fresh salsa
  • raw veggies [broccoli, cauliflower, carrots, snap peas, bell pepper] + hummus
  • Brussels sprout chips
  • kale chips
  • roasted veggies [broccoli, cauliflower, Brussels sprouts, etc.]
  • roasted sweet potatoes
  • Super Green Smoothie
  • Super Green Juice

[3] make dinner all about the veggies.

When it comes to meal planning and deciding what to make for dinner, always focus on the veggies first. They should make up the majority of your plate and be a main part of the dish. If you need some help with meal planning, check out my Batch Cooking 101 + Example Meal Plan nutrition guide. It will give you a look into a week of how I do it, step-by-step.


[4] take the guess work out of lunch and choose leftovers.

This is by far the easiest way to eat a healthy lunch. You don’t even have to think about it. Just pack up some healthy dinner leftovers and lunch is done. That’s so much easier than having to pack a lunch every day, or resort to the drive thru when you didn’t plan lunch in the first place. I’ve found this to be one of the best ways to reduce stress during the week while also sticking with a healthy, whole-food based lifestyle.

Here’s to a more veggie conscious lifestyle! Have a great week!


Mindfulness Nutritiously Rooted

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