Do you know the feeling of being tired and lethargic, and like you don’t have the motivation to do anything? And then you decide — hey, I’m just going to get up and go for a walk, get some fresh air and just breathe. And oh my goodness, it’s as if your tiredness just melts away and you’re energized and ready to get back to your day. Maybe it doesn’t happen this drastically, but I can tell you that, most of the time, just getting up and going for a walk when you’re feeling tired can make a world of difference.

Throughout history, humans were movers. We hunted, gathered and basically moved all day. And now, present day, we are almost completely sedentary. We drive to work. We take the elevator to our office and we sit. And that’s where we remain most of the day. It’s not good for us physically or mentally, but for some of us it’s all we know. So here’s your challenge for day three.

DAY 3 CHALLENGE — move yo’ body.

Quite literally I just want you to move. As much as you can. This can mean so many different things for different people. Maybe you’re already an avid exerciser. Awesome! Maybe you really don’t like to exercise but you are willing to make a few small changes here and there like taking the stairs instead of the elevator and taking part your lunch break to go on a brisk walk. Whatever works best for you, I just want you to start incorporating more movement into your everyday life.

Here’s the kicker. I don’t want you to hate it. In fact, I want you to love it. So if you despise your 6am kickboxing class, then by all means don’t do it! If you hate running, then don’t run. There are so many different forms of movement and exercise that you’re bound to enjoy something. Maybe you’re not even sure what kind of exercise you like to do. Great. Here’s a chance to start fresh and try out some new things.

for starters here are some ideas to incorporate more daily movement —

  • try out an at-home exercise program [I’ve linked some of my favorite FREE online workout videos below]
  • park farther away from your office or the store when running errands
  • take the stairs instead of the elevator
  • walk on part of your lunch break
  • set a timer at work, and every hour or so, get up and walk for a few minutes around the office
  • ride your bike on the weekends
  • ride your bike to work if possible [we are so lucky here in the Netherlands where bike paths are everywhere and well maintained so my husband rides his bike to work as often as he can]
  • try out a new gym [many times you can sign up for a free pass to check out the gym before committing]
  • join a yoga or pilates studio with a friend
  • take your dog on a walk before or after work
  • find some public stairs in your neighborhood and walk up and down them a few times
  • go on a hike
  • explore any walking trails in your area
  • go for a jog
Structured exercise doesn’t have to be a part of your daily life, but movement in any form should be.

Choosing to move takes a commitment, and I want you to commit. Decide what form of movement makes you happy and make a place for it in your daily life. I’ve been a gym goer, a runner, an exercise class person and an at-home fitness fan. Decide what’s best for you. Because it’s different for everyone. Maybe it’s one of these things. Maybe is a combination.

Start each day with intention [just like you do with your water].

Do you need to pack a gym bag before leaving the house so you can stop at the gym on your way home from work? Do you workout on your lunch break? Do you need to sleep in your exercise clothes so you can workout from home first thing in the morning? Do you need to call on a friend or spouse to be your workout buddy?

I want you to ask yourself a few questions.

What motivates you? 

Find your answer and use that to inspire you to get moving. For me it’s the overall feeling I get during and after my workout or walk. I feel the endorphins, those “happy chemicals” that are released throughout and after exercise. I feel more balanced and motivated for the rest of the day. I feel more energized. I feel better emotionally and physically. I crave healthier foods. And I want to be a positive example for my 2-year-old daughter. She sees me working out and sometimes even joins in on the fun!


Who motivates you? 

Find out who motivates you and use that. For me it’s both my daughter and husband.


Why is/isn’t exercise important to you? 

Maybe there’s something holding you back from taking part in daily movement? What is it? Can you get past it? How? Answer these questions. If exercise is important to you, why? Always keep that reason in the back of your mind for why you continue to move and exercise.


Do you have any goals associated with exercise? 

Many people relate exercise strictly with weight loss as a goal, but it can be so much more than that! In fact, if you’re exercising for the sole purpose of losing weight, you may want to rethink that. Exercise can make you both mentally and physically stronger. Exercise can make you more productive for the rest of the day. Exercise and sweating can be a great natural detoxifier. Exercise can be a reason to get together with friends. When we stop putting so much pressure on ourselves to lose weight, exercise can become fun and enjoyable. Which is exactly what it should be.


Here is a list of my fave FREE online workouts:

I love the versatility of having so many different workouts to choose from. Sometimes I feel like getting really sweaty and other days I opt for something a little less intense. That’s the beauty of working out at home.

Tone It Up

there are tons and tons of free workouts on the Tone It Up website and below are just a few of my favorites. I tried to provide a combination of longer and shorter workouts of varying intensities. Let me know if you liked any of these and if you want any other recommendations!

35-minute Kettletoning

15-minute Total Body Tone Up

20-minute HIITy Bitty Bikini

40-minute Live Rooftop Workout

25-minute HIIT Workout

11-minute Total Body Sculpt

20-minute Yoga Flow

Betty Rocker Workout Videos 

the Betty Rocker workouts are great because they get your blood pumping and are usually just around 15 minutes. So when I need to squeeze in a quick workout, these are the ones I typically choose.

15-minute Full Body HIIT Workout [no equipment required]

15-minute Full Body Workout

15-minute Power Yoga

17-minute Booty and Legs Workout

 PopSugar Workout Videos

these are just a few of my favorite PopSugar workout videos from a variety of different trainers. There are even a couple that don’t require any dumbbells or other equipment so they are great options if you’re just starting working out from home.

25-minute Pilates [no equipment required]

30-minute Cardio Sculpt

20-minute HIIT Workout

20-minute Full Body Sculpt [no equipment required]


If you’re a yoga fan, or just want to start practicing yoga, the Yoga with Adriene website is a fantastic resource with tons of free videos for all fitness levels.

10-minute Morning Yoga Routine []

15-minute Power Yoga [Betty Rocker]

20-minute Yoga Flow [Tone It Up]


Alright, there you have it! So let’s get moving — literally! And don’t forget to keep drinking your water and start incorporating what you’ve learn about building a healthy plate! Stay tuned for tomorrow’s challenge, in your inbox tomorrow morning!







Mindfulness Nutritiously Rooted

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