by Angela Freed | May 1, 2019 | lifestyle, Living Abroad, pregnancy
My most recent birth story with my second daughter, Logan was much different than my birth with my first born over three years ago. The main difference was preparation. With my first birth I just assumed that I could get through it. I knew that women have natural...
by Angela Freed | Jan 28, 2019 | lifestyle, Living Abroad, pregnancy
pregnancy one versus pregnancy two. I can’t decide if my second trimester of pregnancy flew by or felt like forever. I guess some days/weeks crept by while others seemed to pass in the blink of an eye. Either way, I’m excited to have finally reached my third trimester...
by Angela Freed | Dec 13, 2018 | all recipes, beans, dinner, gluten-free, kid-friendly, rice, vegetarian, veggies
As if tacos/fajitas aren’t one of the yummiest foods (and most often eaten foods in my house!), I have yet another reason to love Mexican food. My no hassle, healthy and family approved Roasted Veggie Fajita Rice Bowls are just asking to be eaten. They are so easy to...
by Angela Freed | Dec 6, 2018 | lifestyle
The holidays are officially here. For many people that means holiday parties, work functions, social gatherings, food, food and more food. The holidays can be a stressful time when it comes to our health, but they can also be a wonderful time if you follow some of my...
by Angela Freed | Nov 6, 2018 | lifestyle, Living Abroad
I’m a pretty routine-oriented, homebody, family first type of person — so when we got the news that we were moving to a different country (almost two years ago now!) I was a little shocked. My first reaction was fear. I had no idea what to expect or where the heck I...
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